PFFL Dynasty Wrap Up

Happy New Year!

Congratulations to the first PFFL Champion, Charm City Checkdown!

Winnings have been distributed in League Safe.

Final Standings:

  1. Charm City Checkdown – 14th Draft Pick $400 Winner
  2. JMen – 13th Draft Pick $155 Winner
  3. VTards – 12th Draft Pick $85 Winner
  4. Urinal Cakes – 11th Draft Pick
  5. Greenskins – 10th Draft Pick
  6. Homer’s Heros – 9th Draft Pick
  7. 2 Chanes – 8th Draft Pick
  8. TacoCorp – 7th Draft Pick
  9. Brawlers – 6th Draft Pick
  10. TopGuny – 5th Draft Pick
  11. Jokers – 4th Draft Pick $60 Winner Consolidation
  12. Draft Busts – 3rd Draft Pick
  13. BlueSkies – 2nd Draft Pick
  14. Breakhislegs – 1st Draft Pick and exclusive winner of a new trophy:

Trades will open back up when Sleeper determine the season is over. Dynasty goes all year.

Remember there is no snake draft next year. You draft in your position throughout.

There will be 5 rounds. IDP Added and DST Dropped.

1 Additional Taxi Spot Added. 1 Bench Spot Added.

We will be drafting rookies and IDP in the same draft.

Thanks for a great year everyone! Looking forward to next.

My favorite summary of the worst night of my life.

The (2nd) worst night of my entire life



As I am now of sound mind and body, thanks to Brian Stegmann DDS, I felt like I should probably document the events that led to an extremely horrible Saturday/Sunday night

It all started Tuesday. I called the dentist because I started to feel pressure on a tooth I had previously had filled quite some time ago. I have been through pain in the past of emergency dental care and didn’t want to have that episode repeated. They fortunately had a cancellation that afternoon and could get me in that day to look at it. Excellent! Wait….why does this post exist then?

I got to the dentist about 3pm and did the normal rigmarole filling out paperwork and such. I got in pretty quickly to see the Dentist. The assistant gave me a quick X-Ray and it all seemed pretty standard at that point. She stated the root looked slightly inflamed but she wasn’t the dentist and would see what he said.

The dentist then came in obviously preoccupied. He quickly looked at my X-Ray, gave me a 45 second look at the tooth and prescribed me some low dose antibiotics. A small part of me felt it was rushed. A tiny part of me thought that he was just moving on to end his day.  That small part needed to speak the fuck up. That small part will never ever remain quiet at a dentist office ever a-fucking-gain.  I didn’t think too much of it at the time because what the hell do I know?  He is the dentist. He is the one who looks at teeth all day. I hate when people assume they know more than me about my profession, especially people who have no idea what they are talking about.  I walked out to the lobby confident that the antibiotics would head off the horrible pain and scheduled my inevitable root canal…..for 3 god damn weeks later. I was confident at that point that I had done my due diligence to head off any episode of terrible tooth pain.

It was not humanly possible for me to be any more wrong.


This was Tuesday. I didn’t experience any more pain that day. I took my antibiotics and went to sleep as usual (with the Hiroshima bacteria cooking up the most devious explosion of all time).

Wednesday was fairly uneventful. I felt mild discomfort after eating but a salt water rinse was find. Still taking antibiotics and unaware of pending doom.

Thursday things started to intensify. Pain did follow eating food. I had to rinse almost immediately after eating to subside it. That night I mentioned to my wife I had some pain in the tooth but it wasn’t too bad. She insisted I call the dentist Friday to get him to look at it. I ignored her because I am functionally retarded. She will likely bring this up no less than 253,459 times. She was right. She loves me. Shes almost always right. GOD DAMN IT I AM A MAN. I MAKE MY OWN DECISIONS.

(At this point I imagine the plans were finalized for the assault by the bacteria laughing off the Beetle Bailey of antibiotics I was taking. They were all out for a night on the town before being ready to murder me).

Friday I went to lunch at an extremely good deli. After lunch I had some fairly intense pain that I suffered through while trying to keep a conversation going with a coworker and playing it off. I chewed some Trident White and that helped some. The pain subsided but it was a major alarm that I should have listened to. I, of course, ignored it because of earlier mentioned retardation and my hatred of dentists.

Friday night my parents were over and I was not in any pain. We got dinner at the usual pub by the house in carry out. I got a turkey burger. While eating I didn’t experience any discomfort. HOWEVER, later on it kicked in. The food settled and I needed some help. I rinsed with warm saltwater and the pain subsided. My mom noticed my pain and offered some emergency pain meds (because she knew as much as I wouldn’t accept that terrible pain was impending). I stowed them away and continued on.  I continued to hang out with my parents and had a good night.

I usually stay up late. That much is a given. Check the time of this post. I stayed up late Friday. Pain kicked in overdrive at about 11:30PM. The first line of bacteria decided they were starting the assault. It was full on pain mode. This was what I thought was some of the worst pain I ever felt. It was similar to the last time I went through this. It was throbbing escalating pain that all the google searches for “horrible tooth pain” can offer some relief for. The remedies that are great for when you are stuck for a bit without a dentist. I went to the go to that I knew worked. I got some cold tap water and held it in my mouth. I went upstairs and grabbed the Vicodin my Mom gave me and took it. I held cold water in my mouth for spurts until it got warm, swallowed it, repeated until the pain meds kicked in. I went to sleep about 2 am holding cold water in my mouth and drooling on my pillow. I thought that was the worst tooth pain could get. I was very very wrong.

I woke up Saturday without pain. Some mung had settled on the tooth and likely covered up Mount Vesuvius. I went upstairs and grabbed coffee greeting my parents who were already up and playing with my son. Pain started as soon as I unsettled the mung with the coffee. I rinsed with warm salt water immediately which subsided it. I described how I had a bad night to my wife and parents and my mom offered 2 more Vicodin. I stowed them away knowing that I would likely need them. All of them knew I was screwed. My wife told me to call the dentist office because they were likely open. I insisted she call because I was being a jackass. She called and they were closed but she did mention that Stegmann was on call and I could call his number. I brushed it off because (see above retarded) I AM A MAN I will make it through this. Surely the antibiotics have to work at some point right? I took those again. I essentially sent 2 pre-Super Soldier serum Steve Rogers into battle the Hulk. They were swatted away like the gnats they were.

I didn’t eat breakfast because I knew it would have been tempting fate. I did sip on the coffee with no pain but it was slow going.

My Mom and Dad socialized for a bit while I was dealing with some fairly mild tooth pain. I knew I would have to do something after they left but I didnt think too much about it. I will just keep taking the antibiotics and they will eventually kick in and knock this out. The dentist told me that was the course. He is a seasoned professional. He must know what he is talking about.

I took a trip to Dierbergs after the parents left to get some food that I thought would be OK. The theory I had concocted that high salt foods should be fine. It would combat the bacteria and I wouldn’t aggravate the tooth.  I bought several different kinds of soup and some ramen noodles. I had read at some point that chili powder was good for a sore tooth and bought some Chili Ramen Noodles that had a ridiculous amount of sodium for lunch. I bought enough high salt stuff for the entire weekend fully preparing to call first thing Monday morning to get this thing looked at and suffer through a couple nights of pretty bad pain.


I ate the Chili Ramen Noodles and I might as well have eaten Napalm.

After that. It was over. Pure and complete misery mode kicked in.

It was like I was biting on a razor continually in the most painful part to have pain.

I wanted to kill myself for 18 hours.

I could think of absolutely nothing but the pain.

My life for the next 18 hours consisted of holding water in my mouth for 5 seconds, spitting it out and then repeating that.

The pain didnt go away by ANY means with this process. The pain simply lessened minimally.

Sleep was not possible. I sat in bed with water and probably made an exceptionally bad night for my wife as well who eventually moved to the couch.

I was noisy and paced the entire house in extreme pain. I have broken my wrist (bad), had an appendix about ready to explode, had my hand slammed in a car door (2 broken fingers), and slipped a disc in my back during wrestling. These were all the equivalent of a paper cut in comparison.

I went to my garage and looked at tools to knock the tooth out. I contemplated suicide. I sat in the shower crying.

It was a throbbing intense pain that was debilitating.

I would have done ANYTHING to end the pain. ANYTHING.

I suffered through it.

My wife bared with me and put up with my stubbornness. She was right. She is almost always right. For some reason she loves me and does everything for me.

Finally at 9 AM, not sleeping at all, we went to the dentist office.

I was in the parking lot pacing drinking from the 3rd water bottle I brought for the 20 minute drive.

We rushed in and the dentist told me about how he was sorry he couldn’t help me last night but it was his wife’s birthday.

I understand now, but I could have murdered him right there if he wasn’t the only human being on this earth who could end this pain.

The first words out of the dentists mouth in the chair were “Let me numb you up because you seem to be in a lot of pain.”


The needle went in the deep tissue and I didn’t even feel it. The pain of the tooth was much too excruciating for a needle to register.

As the substance oozed in, relief came. The pressure was gone. The pain was gone. I felt like someone who had regrown an arm.

The dentist could have done anything he wanted to me at that point. In my mind, he had saved my life. He could have asked for my house and my car.

The standard root canal occurred and all was well afterward.

Anyway…….That is my documentation of this event.

It was a night I will never forget.

I did learn a few things from it.

  • My wife is awesome. People in the world have to worry about a lot of things. I have to worry about money, my job, my kids, and all the other nonsense. My wife….that is something I was just gifted. She is wholeheartedly awesome. Hands down the best thing that ever happened to me.
  • If a dentist at anytime says the words “Maybe this filling will take. Its pretty deep. You may need a root canal.” Get the root canal. Do not even consider any other option.
  • So.. I once had a full storefront window fall into my skull (long story). It was bad. I was bleeding and in a lot of pain. Nothing compared to this granted, but bad. I was able to go to an emergency room and get that taken care of pretty quickly. Why does this service not exist for teeth? Why am I subject to a dentist’s child’s soccer schedule? Tooth pain is fucking awful.


*If you are wondering why this is the 2nd worst night of my entire life…..You just do not know me that well.


Why I will not necessarily miss Kirk Cousins

Do not get me wrong, I liked Kirk as a QB.
I think he was on the right track to be a good QB.
I like what he offered (mostly because of the complete void of decent QBs in WAS) and was excited to have a capable QB to build a team around.
However….that last statement is key.
“Build a team around” wasnt going to happen at 27+ Million a year.

I was perfectly happy with the reasonable offer the Redskins made to him.

I am not cool with one player holding the team hostage.

Kirk is not the elite piece of the puzzle.
He is a good QB, no doubt.

He is DEFINITELY not Aaron Rodgers.
He is not Drew Brees.
He is not Tom Brady.
He is not even Andrew Luck.
This guy:

And this guy:

I know…those are 2 years old, but Really?
This guy had 18 turnovers that were solely on him last year.

He regularly cracks in PrimeTime or “clutch” games.
The Redskins needed to win 1 game in 2016 season to make the playoffs. The way was paved for them.
What does Cousins do against a group of 3rd string Giants:

Well he blows the game of course.

Good luck Vikings. I don’t think I am wrong telling you that prepare to buy more alcohol next season.

R3 Trade Rearview


Other than a magical 2012 season it is looking like the RG3 trade was a big mistake.

Although……One could argue that it really didnt matter. You may call me crazy but if I could go back…..I would do it again as the Redskins.

2012 was pretty awesome. Redskins won the division and had some truly magical moments.

This guy sums it up pretty well: RG3 Almost Saved Washington, And Then He Didn’t


So 2012 was a straight pick swap for the Rams/Redskins.

People like to say the Redskins gave up 3 1sts and a 2nd.

You are not giving up a 1st if you get one in return.

If I have 1 cheeseburger and I give you that plus 2 more cheeseburgers for your triple cheeseburger, I still have a cheeseburger.


Anyway 2012. Rams got Janoris Jenkins who is pretty awful:

The Rams have opened extension talks with contract-year CB Janoris Jenkins.
Jenkins, who turns 27 in October, is owed just over $1 million in salary and bonuses this season, the final year on his rookie deal. Jenkins looked like a future shutdown corner at Florida early in his college career, but has been an up-and-down disappointment with the Rams. Jenkins graded out 50th among 110 qualifiers in Pro Football Focus’ cornerback ratings
They also traded back some more and acquired Michael Brockers who is maybe worth a 5th round pick:
Brockers, the 14th overall pick in 2012, has been about as “meh” as possible with the Rams, simply being average both as a run stopper and pass rusher.

They also traded way back in the draft and picked up awful Isiah Pead

It remains stunning that Pead has yet to be released. Pead has been a comprehensive bust since the Rams selected him with the No. 50 overall pick of the 2012 draft. He’s unlikely to survive until final cuts in training camp.


Wait…they did some more stellar wheeling and dealing to grab Rokevius Watkins

Sorry…No quote. Guy played in 3 NFL games and was god awful. He is no longer in the NFL and busted for substance abuse.

So 2012 they basically netted an awful DB and a backup LB. “What a haul”

2013 was awful for pretty much every team in the draft.

Lets see who the Rams grabbed with their RG3 booty.

Rams traded Falcons and got 3 picks for the Redskins spot. With the first one they bafflingly selected a LB which was far and away not a position of need. Alec Ogletree

This is probably the only player who has a chance of developing into something. Ogletree was credited with 117 tackles and six forced fumbles last year, but had just 1.5 sacks.

Still, he isnt a playmaker on that defense and it was clearly not a position of need. With the Rams WR squad it was puzzling why offense wasnt drafted.

Wait….with the 2nd pick they got from the Falcons they grabbed awful Stedman Bailey  Bailey isn’t very big, but has a good pair of hands. He’ll be a nice complementary piece for the Rams, but is best suited for a slot role as a No. 3 receiver

Bailey wouldnt even have a roster spot on most NFL teams. He is on the Rams because the Rams are horrendous at WR.

3rd pick they took Zac Stacy who was released by the team.

Hes on the Jets now who are starting Chris Ivory as their 1 RB…..Stacy is 4th and probably will not make the team.

There is your 2013 for the Rams “big score”. They grabbed a poor mans Riley Cooper, a released RB, and a fill in LB.

On to the final year 2014.

Rams didnt trade around because Clowney was selected 1 overall and no one wanted anyone else.

They got Greg Robinson.

Lets see what stellar things they have to say about this guy (who still has next to no starts 2 years in and has struggled mightily):

Robinson has been pulling double duty all camp, working as the starting left guard and also getting time at his eventual position — left tackle. He hasn’t been good in the first two preseason games, giving up one sack, one quarterback hit and one quarterback hurry on just 66 snaps.

The No. 2 overall pick of last May’s draft, Robinson served as the Rams’ left tackle for the final nine games of 2014, and generally got dominated.

Hmmm….looks like a bust for the 2 pick. Glad the Skins missed out on that guy.

Lets count playoff appearances since Trade:

Redskins 1

Rams 0

Lets count winning seasons since Trade:

Redskins 1

Rams 0

Lets count Division Titles since Trade:

Redskins 1

Rams 0


Yeah….you got me. What a horrible decision by the Redskins. I mean I only had one of the best years of my life as a Redskins fan that season but we sure could use the pack of nobodies and losers the Rams got instead.

In short…I dont want your pity party about it. Wipe that smirk off your face Jeff Fisher/Rams fans. You didn’t “win”.

I will always remember that season. I will always remember the feeling I had on Thanksgiving that year.

I will always be thankful for RG3.



Yaris End of Life

So…Monday was quite interesting.

After dropping off my daughter at School, a school bus decided my car did not exist.

Below is my synopsis of the accident.

Not shown in the pictures is the interior. The frame was bent and then engine was causing my dashboard to crack from pressure.

It was fairly petrifying.

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1526 1511199_10203144000259851_190460857_n

Kevin’s Tablet Advice


Tablets – 7 Inch

This is the most common device I have been asked advice for. All of these devices below are entry level $200. Tablets below this price are probably crap. Tablets above this price may be good but are probably not in this category (or they are made by Apple).

Amazon Kindle Fire HD

Buy this if you are looking for the best content consumption device for your money. If you are looking for something simple with a low price.

Do not buy this if you are a tech or want a pure Google experience.


Nexus 7

Buy this if you are looking for the hands down best 7” tablet. You are comfortable using Android and will have no problem customizing the device to your needs

Do not buy this if you do not want to fool with anything. If you prefer your device to be 100 percent ready to go and just want to use it.


iPad Mini

Buy this if you are one of those people who likes to look like a complete idiot taking pictures with a tablet. If you do any or all of the following:

  • Drink Pabst Blue Ribbon
  • Wear skinny jeans and a stocking cap (at all times)
  • Hang out at Starbucks (unemployed)
  • Use the term “computer illiterate”….in 2012…and you still think its funny.

Do not buy this if you have one shred of common sense. If you realize that you should not be spending $150.00 more than the other 2 tablets for less.

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to realize you are getting the shaft with the iPad Mini and simply buying a brand:


The Iconia Tab is from a less than reliable manufacturer that mostly makes crap.

I don’t trust Barnes and Noble to stay in business. Sorry. If I am buying a locked down version of Android, Amazon isn’t going anywhere.

I didnt include any units from last year that are retailing for less than $200 because you shouldnt be buying them. Its silly to buy old tech.

You will be kicking yourself later.

Bacon Explosion in progress!

A Picture is worth a thousand words……….


Please tell me you see the problem here.

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October 2024


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